Can I remove the camera on my kid's device? Should I?

Screenable lets you remove the camera (and Photos app if you want) from your kid's iPhones or iPads.

How can I remove (or un-remove) the camera?

  1. If you're using Apple Screen Time, make sure to transfer control to Screenable so they don't conflict.
  2. In the Screenable parent app, go to your kid's device settings.
  3. Scroll down and tap Remove camera & Photos, and make your selection.

Should I remove it?

Every family is different, but typically we recommend allowing the camera because it's a great way to connect with the family on group message threads, or just to let your kid capture their life. It can also be handy as kids get more independence, e.g. allowing them to scan QR codes or send photos of a grocery store when they're not sure what item to buy.

However, if it's becoming a distraction for your kid, or if you suspect they are starting to send photos they shouldn't, then keep it off.

In general, we recommend starting more conservative, and then unlocking features (like the camera) when you have a chance to talk with your kid about it and they've built trust with you that they're ready to handle it. For Dumb Phones, for example, we remove the camera by default – but again, you can always turn it on if it makes sense for your kid and family.

Should I remove only the camera, or also remove the Photos app?

Generally we recommend only removing the camera. The Photos app lets kids enjoy shared iCloud photos and albums from the family.

Note that we don't support blocking only the Photos app but not the camera. That's because the camera app lets kids see all photos that were taken from the camera, as well as screenshots and other images, so it's misleading to think that removing Photos will block access to viewing saved photos and images.