How do I control contacts, like who my kids can call and text?
Unfortunately Screenable does not yet support this, so in the meantime we recommend you use Apple Screen Time. Here is our recommended setup:
- First, make sure you've set up Apple Screen Time to work with Screenable.
- On your (the parent's) device, go to Settings > Family > Choose your kid > Screen Time > Communication Limits.
- For younger kids:
- Choose Contacts Only for both During Screen Time and During Downtime.
- Turn on Manage Contacts, and select contacts you want them to be able to contact.
- Turn off Allow Contact Editing, so that you're in total control of who they can contact.
- For older kids:
- Choose Contacts & Groups with at Least One Contact for both During Screen Time and During Downtime.
- Turn on Manage Contacts.
- Turn on Allow Contact Editing, so that they can start managing their own contacts (while you're still able to see who is in the list).
- Note that this could be abused, for example if they add someone and then delete them before you're able to review the Contacts list, but in practice this is relatively rare.
- For kids nearing device independence:
- Unblock everything. Optionally continue to manage contacts if you want to review their contact list, but let them know you're doing so to make sure you're continuing to build trust.